Google Hash Code, a world-renowned competition
This is a team programming competition organised by Google, open to students and professionals from all over the world.
The aim is to solve a real computer engineering problem in 4 hours flat! The best teams will go on to compete in a global final!
For this year’s competition, 21 ESEO teams took part, competing against more than 9,000 teams worldwide.
Procedures for the “mentoring and teamwork” test
The aim of this year’s challenge was to pool skills in order to carry out projects as effectively as possible.
Participants were given a list of contributors and their skill levels, as well as a list of projects with varying skill requirements. Contributors could improve their skills by completing certain projects, but they could also coach each other to develop new skills.
Each team then had to assign contributors to project roles that matched their skills in order to maximise the score of completed projects.
At each level of difficulty of the cases proposed by the competition, the number of contributors and the number of projects increased, making the task ever more complex.
What’s more, the order in which the projects were assigned and the order of the projects themselves had an impact.
Finally, the skills of the project members could increase at the end of each project.
ESEO teams ranked worldwide
- ESEOverflow – 3589th
- :qa! – 3979e
- ESTEAMEO – 4003rd
- Flex Gang – 4463e
- 🐒 Monke 🐒 – 4600e
- ESEONIX – 4716e
- ESEO Rage – 4822e
- Maliece – 4830e
- echo “bG9sCg==” | base64 -d – 4910e
- Broadway JAVA – 5023e
- ;-; – 7699e
- E3EB1ez – 8055e
- Le Moulin – 6868e
- Les Maj’estueux – 8477e
- Métallicum – 8079e
- Perfectly Balanced – 8405
- QuandVousEstIlVenuLeGoutDuCode – 7807e
- /^a{20}h$/ – unranked
- Core Dump – no ranking
- Team Rital – unranked